IoT is a milestone for the smart city vision of the future.
The Internet is dashboard, with sensors in the real world.
Data can be collected, visualised, and used for defining smart strategies.
But…what if connected things could not only sense but also act?
PACT (PArtnerships in Cities of Things) aims to develop novel methods and tools for understanding and demonstrating how intelligent things can act in concert with people and connect to existing data and cloud services. The project will use the context of urban air purification as a concrete and relevant case but results are expected to be applicable also to other contexts (energy production, circular economies, mobility etc.) More information Prof. ir. Elisa Giaccardi or visiting professor Iskander Smit via info@thingsascitizens.org
More information Prof. ir. Elisa Giaccardi or visiting professor Iskander Smit via info@thingsascitizens.org

Workshop impressions from Dutch Design Week
During Dutch Design Week, at the CLICKNL DRIVE festival, October 24 2018, PACT was invited to give a short one hour workshop: Envisioning Things as Citizens in Near Future Cities.
Research Future Mobility
In March 2018 Sen Lin started with his master graduation project in PACT: Designing Future Mobility Service with Agentive Things
Things as Citizens Master Thesis
On the 22nd of March, 2018, Louise Hugen discussed her graduation project on Things as Citizens.
Autonomous bike ideation workshop
Ideation workshop on autonomous bikes for future smart cities.
Things as Citizens in the inclusive smart city
Post on Medium by Iskander Smit
NordiCHI 2018
On October the 3rd, Maria Luce Lupetti was invited to give a talk about her research project which was conducted together with Nazli Cila, and Iskander Smit at The 10th NordiCHI in Oslo, Norway
Citythings Hackathon
This year PACT is teaming up with IoT Rotterdam for the organisation of the Citythings Hackathon.
Autonomous bike for smart cities
A master thesis in collaboration with the Master in Digital Design, of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Workshops on Things As Citizens
Louise Hugen is master graduation student with Things As Citizens as topic. As part of her project she conducted a couple of workshops to research through design Things As Citizens-concept.
Roboat project
Research project to autonomous boats by AMS.
PACT session at The Next Web
May 24 Maria Luce and Iskander did an Engage session at The Next Web conference in Amsterdam, one of the biggest conference on tech with about 15.000 attendees.
The team is growing!
Two new postdoctoral researchers just joined the PACT team.
Minor interactive environments
Things as citizens contributes in this years project ‘City as an office’